Wire, Cable, Coax and Twinax cables designed for space travel. All products pass the requirements of FAA FAR 25.853/869
Item #: UL32652019326
Item #: UL32652019327
Item #: UL32652019328
Item #: UL32652019329
Item #: V9500
Item #: W-3306-2454
Item #: WELD-00-1330-0
Item #: WELD-00-1330-2
Item #: WELD-0-1064-0
Item #: WELD-0-1064-2
Item #: WELD-2-625-0
Item #: WELD-2-625-2
Item #: WELD-4-420-0
Item #: WELD-4-420-2
Item #: WELD-6-266-0
Item #: WELD-6-266-2
Item #: WFT130B-16-0
Item #: WFT130B-16-N
Item #: WFT130B-18-0
Item #: WFT130B-20-0
Item #: WFT130B-4-0
Item #: WFT130B-4-N
Item #: WFT130B-8-0
Item #: WFT130B-8-N
Item #: WFT130B-9-0
Item #: WFT155A-0-0
Item #: WFT155A-0-N
Item #: WFT155A-11-N
Item #: WFT155A-1/2-N
Item #: WFT155A-12-N